Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Baby Chicks !

Wow..It has been busy around here! I got my first batch of chicks...ever. I have always wanted chickens for the delicious eggs! My husband is the best and decided to build a coop...he is in the process right now. The run is built, the house is started. They, Monte and Brennan, started framing yesterday but the weather was terrible, rain, hail, wind. Maybe this evening after work we can get some done. We got the windows at a re-claimed building supply store and we have basically scrapped the rest of the lumber. We did have to buy a big air nailer and stapler, and some treated wood. But not that much.

The chicks started out as 3 Barred Rock, 3 Aruacanas, 2 Rhode Island Reds, and 2 Buff Orpingtons. Brennan named his Barred Rock "Aretha Franklin". Unfortunately, Aretha died overnight. I get so attached. It is sad. But...the other 9 girls look great! They will eat out of my hand and don't scatter when I come in to check on them. They are getting feathers REALLY FAST! We got them on Friday as little fluffy puffs...They are now fluffy puffs WITH full on wings! They can't go to the coop until they have all their feathers...about 4-5 weeks! That will be here soon! They are supposed to start laying at 20-25 weeks...so in the summer, we should start getting some eggs.
More Pics on Friday...1 week old!