Monday, August 23, 2010

Inspiration Plantation-A fresh chicken field trip!

The other day I was reading a couple of blogs that I keep track of and noticed a link to a place near my house called Inspiration Plantation.  The reason it caught my eye was because they raise and process their own chickens for meat......AND they were processing chickens that VERY day! Being the ever adventurous girl that I am...I set out for the farm..with the husband at the wheel. Happy chickens were outside in a field...being chickens! Happy Chickens!
 I have wanted to see the difference in the taste of a freshly processed chicken and how it compares to store bought.  Inspiration Plantation raises 2 kinds of meat chickens...Cornish Cross-which are like the chickens you buy in the store....bred to have more white meat~~~And Heritage chickens-which are like the old-time chickens our grandparents used to raise.  They take longer to finish and have a smaller breast.
 We met the owners, Jen and Matt Schwab. They were so nice and explained the whole process to me!  I should have taken my camera to show you the set-up.  I decided to buy 2 of the Heritage chickens...$5.50 a pound and worth every penny!
They also have pork, turkey and eggs to sell. They are sold-out of pork and turkeys for 2010.

For Sunday dinner I made fried chicken.  What a great way to see the difference! And what a difference it was. When I opened the bags of raw chicken....there was NO YUCKY CHICKEN SMELL!  In fact, there was NO SMELL! WooHoo! I cut it up and fried it like my Grandma Kelin would have done it......It was delicious!!!!  The meat had texture...and that is a good thing! The flavor was fantastic!  I loved it and will buy more!

Check out their site and try some "REAL" chicken!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Creamed Corn-my Mom's way!

August is one of my favorite months. It is usually the best month  here in the Pacific Northwest for summer weather. It is also my anniversary and birthday month!  It is also the month for fresh, sweet corn.  I love corn in any preparation. Corn on the cob is so good simply prepared and eaten with butter, salt, and pepper.  If you want to go a little fancy-schmancy try the California Seasoned Pepper and Shallot Salt from Penzey's.  It is a yummy variation.  My all-time favorite recipe is one that my mom made for me on my birthday at least 10 years ago.  I don't remember where she got the recipe..but it is divine.  It isn't low-calorie....but it's my birthday, right?  It combines fresh sweet corn with bacon and onions. Sauteed in a frying pan with a secret ingredient.....cream cheese!  Yum! I am making it tonight for dinner!

Creamed Corn-My Mom's way!

8 ears of fresh corn-sliced off the cob
1/2 pkg of bacon-cut into bite-size pieces
1 onion-chopped
1-2 T. sugar
1 brick Cream cheese
1-2 T. milk or half and half
Fry the bacon until crisp. Take out of pan and drain. Reserve the fat in the pan and add the onion and corn. Saute until the corn is done but still crisp. Add the sugar if needed. I usually taste it and then judge how much sugar to add...if any! Lower the heat and add the cream cheese. Stir until it is melted and incorporated. You may need to add a little milk/half and half to thin it down. Now.....add in the bacon. OMGsh! Nirvana.
Try to have some restraint and wait until it is cool to eat it! 
This should serve 4 people easy...or 1 girl on her birthday!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Blackberry Cream Pie

This pie is sooo good! Sour cream, sugar, blackberries. A yummy combo for sure!   Blackberries, marionberries, loganberries, blueberries...even peaches,  could all be used in this recipe.  I made it once and it was gone....they ate it all.   I even ate it and I am not especially fond of cooked blackberries.  Pretty easy to make....uncooked pie shell..add berries and the delicious sour cream mixture over the top. Bake and cool before eating!

Blackberry Cream Pie
1 unbaked pie shell
2 c. blackberries  *or the others mentioned
1 1/2 c. cugar
2 eggs
1/4 c. flour
1/2 c. sour cream
1 t. vanilla
Pour the blackberries in the pie shell.  Mix the remaining ingredients and pour into the pie shell over the blackberries.  Add topping on the top.
In the bowl of a food processor place 1/2 c. of each of the following: sugar, flour, butter. Add a pinch of salt and pulse until there are nice crumbs. Sprinkle on the pie and bake.

 Bake @ 400 degrees for 15 minute. Turn oven down to 350 degrees for 20 minutes more.