Sunday, December 27, 2009


It is sad today to say that I have lost one of my chickens. Dedra is an Araucana...also known as an "Easter Egg" chicken because she layed beautiful green eggs. I noticed last week that she wasn't acting "right". Her feathers were dirty and messed up. I watched her for a couple of days and then Brennan noticed a really bad spot on her back. It was swollen and hot, red and angry looking. No outward infection. We put her in the dog crate and watched her a day or so. She seemed to be doing better...eating and drinking. We put her back in with the other hens to see how she would do....they of course pecked her into a corner. I put her back in the house and waited. We got her feeling better again and re-introduced her in the coop. They left her alone...but she seperated herself from everyone. I went out Christmas Eve to find her unable to get up. I wrapped her in an old shirt and put her in a nest box. She stopped eating and drinking and today we put her out of her misery. She was comatose and not really responding...wouldn't even open her eyes. It was so sad.

I went out and cleaned and disinfected the nest box and anything else she came into contact with!

Hopefully...that is the last time we have to do anything like this!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Flaker Mill

This week I ordered a flaker mill attachment for my Bosch mixer. It gives me the ability to flake any kind of grain or seed fresh...instead of storing rolled oats. I can now buy the whole oat groats and flake..or roll...them myself. I tried it today! It was cool!!! It worked perfectly and very quickly. I flaked about 4 cups of oats in about 3 minutes. They taste yummy and are a little thicker than a store-bought rolled oat. They are also absolutely fresh! Which means more nutrition for your family! Yay!

Chickens and Freezing Weather!

Wow! It is really cold today. It was 9 degrees as I drove to Seminary this morning. I came home and checked on my chickens and found frozen waterers, but happy chickens. I made some oatmeal with cornmeal mixed in and gave them some hot mash. They love it! I think it is so funny that they will roost outside with the cold underneath them. BRRRR! Got 2 eggs so far this morning. I have been getting 2-3 a day....down from 5-7 a day at the beginning of November. I have decided to keep the light on during the night to see if it will boost the egg production. It will keep them warm as well.