Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Eggstra ! Eggstra! Read all about it!

Finally...more than 2 eggs a day! On Saturday, my friend Melanie went to check on eggs. When I asked her if there were eggs..she said "Just one" and then she took her other hand from behind her back and had 3 more eggs. So we had 5 eggs on Saturday. Yay!

The green egg is from the Easter Egger chicken...i have 3 of them...the hens! The light tan egg is from Martha, the Buff Orpington. Still trying to figure who else is laying! Hate to stalk the coop...but it is so fun! Like a treasure hunt everyday.

The coop needs to be cleaned out. We had torrential downpours this weekend and the mud and water are in the coop as well as in the run. Yuck! The EE chicken layed her egg on the floor Sunday. It was muddy and gross. We ate it first!