Well.....I decided last night in that place between wakefulness and blissful slumber...you know when you are trying to get your mind organized before you sleep, that I would try and ride my bike around "the Loop. In my mind it didn't really seem that far....heck it only takes a couple of minutes in the car! So I got up this morning, got Brennan to his Scout activity @ 8AM. On the way home I went around the loop in the car to see how many miles it would be....maybe 2 or 3. WRONG !!! 4.1 miles. OK...So i came in the house, put on semi-warm clothes; i figured I would have a hot-flash or something on the road. Keys? check. Cellphone? check. Helmet...nope, don't have one....living on the edge, I tell ya! Get out bike....cuss because it is pushed between 2 motorcycles, tangled in brake cables and unable to move because of a bucket of pipe fittings. GRRR! Untangled, moved and Who put the gross, oily rag on my seat? READY!!! Nope....I need gloves and they are in the locked house. OK! Gloves? check! Go..around the corner...this is gonna be a piece of....OMGsh....did you know that it is basically uphill to Wilding Park....downhill a little...uphill till past the church....and then it was pretty good sailing, or pedaling as it were, until that little short, semi-steep hill @ Costco. My legs were like jell-o and I had to get off the bike.....to...push...it..up..! Heavenly Father hears the pleas of His children....even the out-of shape ones. All I could think of were 2 things. 1. Please don't let me fall off my bike and 2. please don't let me faint and fall off in front of a bunch of cars! I was a little lightheaded....but I have been called dizzy before..no big! No cars were around, so I got off, huffed and puffed my way up the hill all the time smelling delectable Costco muffins baking. Got to the top...waited to catch what breath I had left and rode down the wonderful little hill towards home. I got home and couldn't get off my bike! HA HA HA I was too close to the car and basically peeled myself off. A Lucille Ball moment for sure.
I was able to think between gasps for oxygen. Maybe this will be when I receive inspiration from the Lord instead of when I dry my hair. I don't know...I was breathing pretty loud!
I saw lots of birds, a creepy cat, 3 little pygmy goats, a really mangy lookin Llama, all kinds of flowers and BTW...it was raining a little when I left, but the sun was shining when I got home! The Lord knows I hate rain! I feel pretty good....and tomorrow is another day!
I was able to think between gasps for oxygen. Maybe this will be when I receive inspiration from the Lord instead of when I dry my hair. I don't know...I was breathing pretty loud!
I saw lots of birds, a creepy cat, 3 little pygmy goats, a really mangy lookin Llama, all kinds of flowers and BTW...it was raining a little when I left, but the sun was shining when I got home! The Lord knows I hate rain! I feel pretty good....and tomorrow is another day!