Wednesday, March 3, 2010

"Refined" Sugar free

Today is day one of my quest to become healthier! I am not happy with my current state of "brain fog" You know, not being able to to a simple math problem, not able to concentrate, lack of motivation, sleepy, just meh! So..I am going to try and cut out refined sugar and all of his glorious, delicious, minions. I say minions because it is like the Devil and his army trying to beat me into submission! I love sugar in all it's wonderful forms....but it is not working for me anymore! Junk food, fast food, crap food! Who needs it? The food companies and they are out to get me and my money! So no more food, garbage-y empty calories, POP!!!!!, white sugar.
So what am i going to eat? I ask myself! Good wholesome grains, fruits and vegetables, good coconut oil, olive oil and butter!; good healthy proteins...meat, fish, chicken; Drink water, milk..not that low-fat crap, either!
I am also doing a nutritional cleanse with Isagenix. It makes me feel so good and gets rid of all the junky toxins in my body.
I have been reading "Nourishing Traditions" by Sally Fallon. The subtitle tells the real "jist" of the book...The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats.
Meaning, it is good to eat fats....they are beneficial for good health! They are NOT bad for you!
It has a lot of great information about nutrition....and recipes etc.

I am trying to be better....isn't that the goal for this life?
Day one-we shall see!


  1. I love it! Go Shelley~I just read "Food Rules" by Michael Pollan and "The Blue Zones" by Dan Buettner, I think you would like them~so much good info! I'll share if you're interested :)

  2. Is it bad that I was impressed and agreeing with your blog post...until I saw a post in your right sidebar called "Chocolate Truffle Cookies"?
